Mrs. Dominique McCartney-Russell
District Superintendent's Welcome.
Welcome to the Abaco District. There are fourteen government maintained schools: Two Central Secondary Schools, (grades 7-12), One All Age School (K4 – 12), and Eleven Primary Schools (grades 1-6). The essential function of the District Office is the monitoring and supervision of the fourteen schools in the District, Curriculum design, and Implementation, Supervision and Training of School Administrators and Staff.
Our Philosophy
We believe that the opportunity should be provided for all eligible persons in the Abaco District to receive the best possible Education and simultaneously develop the necessary moral values, attitudes, knowledge and skills required for a productive life in a modern democratic society.
Our “One” Goal
‘Excellence for each student in each classroom in each school’


​​Dominique McCartney-Russell
District Superintendent
Congratulations Class of 2019!
Our Mission
The Department of Education, Abaco District, intends to provide the best possible Education for all students, while ensuring that the teaching and learning process brings out their fullest potential, shapes abilities and attitudes which will advance desired nation building and foster partnership between the school, home and the wider community of Abaco.